How do I get started?

Starting to work with BigTranslation is very simple. All you need to do is register and carry out the admission/access tests. There is a detailed guide available to download once you are registered and have access to the platform.

Why should I put my trust in BigTranslation?

BigTranslation has accumulated years of experience in both the online world and in the translation sector. Our extensive knowledge of the market, coupled with our technical expertise, allows us to adopt a global perspective and integrated approach, in order to offer a complete, high-quality translation service at exceptionally competitive prices.

At BigTranslation, we know the important role that translation plays in companies’ expansion and internationalisation strategies, one of our main specialist subjects. As such, we have at our disposal a team of expert translators in the field, as well as content marketing specialists and qualified I.T. technicians.

Our number one objective is maximum client satisfaction. In order to achieve this, we are supported by a large and diverse community of professional native translators in a multitude of different language combinations.


Who translates for BigTranslation?

BigTranslation has a team of 215 native and professional translators. All of these translators have been selected via an exhaustive selection process in order to guarantee our clients the very highest quality translations and adherence to deadlines. We stress the importance of working exclusively with native translators, as precise terminology and appropriate context in each language is of vital importance to us. Our translators come from different countries all over the world and specialise in different fields of translation. However, what they all have in common the desire to work hard and efficiently on any project assigned to them.

Who assesses our translators?

BigTranslation requires that all translators pass an access test. This test is divided into two parts: a multiple choice section and a 250 word translation. Once this translation has been completed, it is rated by a qualified supervisor.

BigTranslation’s main objective is to offer a top quality translation service, and it is for this reason that 96 % of our clients rate our service positively.

How does BigTranslation appoint its Senior Translators or Validators?

Our Senior Translators or Validators are native translators into the target language and have ample experience in the world of translation. They are exhaustively selected to ensure that BigTranslation’s services always maintain the highest quality.

To become a Senior Translator or Validator, as well as passing the access test for translators, you will also need to pass a special validation test. If you are interested in this position, please send an email to info@bigtranslation.com

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