Privacy and terms

Do you have a non disclosure agreement?

BigTranslation has a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with each of our certified translators. It is a condition that each new translator agrees to keep translation data private and not disclose it to any third party.

Our NDA with translators establishes that “in connection with the performance by the translator of certain services, such as translation,proofreading, and/or any documentation work related to BigTranslation´s business, for BigTranslation and/or its associated/affiliated companies and entities, the translator may receive from BigTranslation confidential information in written, visual, and/or other tangible form;


“Confidential Information” shall mean any and all  written, visual, and/or other tangible forms of information, material or know-how regarding any data, process, business plan, specifications, technique, program, invention, trade secrets, product development, business information or other proprietary information relating to BigTranslation and/or its associated/affiliated companies and entities, and disclosed, directly or indirectly, by BigTranslation during the Works or for the purpose of estimating the cost of the Works.


The translator shall hold in confidence the Confidential Information and shall not disclose such information to any third party, even under a respective secrecy agreement between the translator and such third party, and shall not use such information for its own benefit or the benefit of any third party without the prior written consent of BigTranslation provided, however, that this shall not apply to information which:

  • is general public knowledge prior to disclosure by BigTranslation or after disclosure hereunder becomes general public knowledge through no fault or omission on the translator’s part; or
  • is known to the translator before receipt thereof as evidenced by dated written or electronic records and for which the translator has no obligation of confidentiality; or
  • is independently developed by the translator as evidenced by dated written or electronic records; or
  • is disclosed to the translator by a third party having the lawful right to make such disclosure and such disclosure is made without any obligation of confidentiality.


the translator  agrees to disclose the Confidential Information only to such of its officers and employees who need such Confidential Information for the purpose of the Works, and the translator shall ensure that all of such officers and employees safeguard and preserve the confidential status of the Confidential Information.”

The above is a brief summary of our NDA with suppliers and vendors.

BigTranslation can also sign an NDA with each new client upon request, according to specific needs.

I have a large file for translation – how can I send it to you?

You can always zip and upload files using our contact form. They will be safely received and stored in our servers. If you have a large file for translation, or you prefer not to upload it using the form because you prefer a point-to-point transmission for security or privacy reasons, there are several options.

Our client portal is also a secure way of uploading files directly to our servers for processing.  The portal lets you manage your translation jobs, see how much you have spent in translation, as well as obtaining itemized reports per language. This offers you an added-value intangible if you need to report about translation investment to other departments in your organization.

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This information is used to refine future email campaigns and supply the user with more relevant content based around their activity.

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