Black Friday is just around the corner… Is your business ready?

If your ecommerce already sells in other markets, or it’s something you’ve got on the horizon, you know the importance of high-quality translation for your website. Translations carried out by native speakers can be the key to the successful internationalisation of your business.

Having your online store available in different languages allows you to increase opportunities for growth and sales, especially on days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, where sales automatically go up, both at national and international level.

What are Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Without a doubt, Black Friday is one of the most important dates on the calendar for ecommerce. Traditionally, it marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping period in the United States and is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving.

Over the last few years, it has become an event that generates a lot of expectation, for both buyers and sellers. So, take note, this year Black Friday is held on Friday, 23rd November!

Although it began in the United States, thanks to the internationalisation of many businesses, European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy, France and Germany have been celebrating Black Friday for several years. Others, such as Japan, Australia and Canada, also celebrate Black Friday in their own way.


However, that’s not all, in the last few years Black Friday has been joined by Cyber Monday, created to boost online purchases. Today, like ecommerce itself, it has taken root in a large number of countries and it is celebrated the Monday after Thanksgiving, meaning that in 2018 it is on 26th November.

5 tips to improve your international sales on Black Friday

If we consider that, according to The Common Sense Advisory, up to 75% of users would not buy a product or service if the description is not in their language, you should most definitely not lose sight of translation.

Offers and promotions for special days like Black Friday or Cyber Monday are no exception. Make sure the translations are correct, because inaccuracies or errors may mean that some customers do not complete their purchase.

To avoid these mistakes, get a head start on Black Friday and get ready to increase your sales. Check out our tips for optimizing your internationalisation strategy.

  • Establish your offers and promotions in good time

In order to carry out a good international strategy, it is necessary to prepare the offers and promotions for your online store in advance. Choose which discounts you are going to offer, on which products, for how long, etc. Do this in advance, and remember that you will need to allow time to get the necessary the translations.

  • Define what type of content you are going to create

Banners, sliders, posts for your blog, product descriptions, descriptions of offers, copies for social networks, the list goes on. Make a list of all the content you will need to promote your offers and discounts.

  • Be sure about which languages you will need all your texts in

Decide in which countries you are going to put on offers and promotions, and what content you will need for each of them.

  • Prepare all your promotional content

Now that you know what you need to publish your offers and discounts, it’s time to create them. However, produce all the texts you will need in the main language of your website.

  • Translate all your texts for the selected countries

It’s time to translate all the content into the selected languages and the best thing to do is to have this translation done by professionals in the sector. If possible you should have these translations carried out by native translators who will ensure a correct and effective translation for the target audience. Remember that a bad translation can cause you to lose some very valuable sales.

As a translation agency, we work exclusively with qualified native translators. As such, which we guarantee the highest quality translation of all your texts.

Now that you know the steps to follow, don’t neglect the languages in your online store, and take advantage of this great opportunity to increase your sales.

In addition, you can request a no-obligation quote and take advantage of our BLACK FRIDAY DEAL until 26th November. Send your request via email with the subject Black Friday Deal or fill in the form below.


Remember to order your translations well in advance so you can use them for Black Friday and Cyber Monday!



4.5/5 - (2 votes)
Leticia Soler

Social Media Manager en BigTranslation. Publicitaria apasionada de las redes sociales, los blogs y la traducción.

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