A Key Requirement for Translators: Keeping up to Date!

When faced with a text, before starting to translate, we all know that there a few vital things that we need to bear in mind. Firstly, a translation should seldom be literal. A literal translation runs the risk of being false or superficial, creating stilted sentences or false meanings that do not take into account linguistic and cultural differences.

A translation should seldom be literal

When faced with a text, before starting to translate, we all know that there a few vital things that we need to bear in mind. Firstly, a translation should seldom be literal. A literal translation runs the risk of being false or superficial, creating stilted sentences or false meanings that do not take into account linguistic and cultural differences. This could give a negative image or undermine the credibility of a company. As such, it is necessary to modulate texts by using natural language and syntax in the target language.

Appropriate context and terminology is vital

We must speak to our public in their language and, for this, we need native translators. However, this is not always enough for a great translation. It is very important that these translators conduct the necessary investigation into the subject matter in hand in order to produce a contextually appropriate translation which has the desired effect on its end users. In order to do this effectively, they need to stay abreast of the latest tendencies, innovations and cultural norms not just in their target country, but also among their specific target audience and in the specific field that they are working. This is the only way that they will be able to focus their efforts and successfully produce a translation fit for its intended purpose. This means that translators need to constantly research, investigate and update their knowledge of terminology and social and professional norms and apply it appropriately, depending on the topic in question as well as the text type and target audience. Additionally, by focusing on a text’s intended purpose, we can choose key words by using tools such as Google AdWords, Google Trends, etc. which help us to know which words are most often searched for and used in certain geographic regions, in certain languages, and on certain topics.

translate documents

The latest tools and trends for translators

Search engine optimisation in each language means that a translation will be more visible on the web its target market, appearing among the top results in search engines.
Translators, as well as keeping up to date and constantly developing their knowledge in the areas they work in, must also keep up to date with the latest tools and trends in translation, and in communication as a whole, in order to carry out their translations to the very highest standard.

Proofreading: What is it? Find out about a concept that few people know about

BigTranslation offers the possibility to ensure that your translations are totally accurate and error-free with our excellent proofreading service. If you opt for this service, our native proofreaders will also ensure that your content is localised for the appropriate region with the corresponding vocabulary.

Read more “Proofreading: What is it? Find out about a concept that few people know about”

Validation Guide

If you are a validator for BigTranslation, please remember to follow all the steps outlined in the following document – it’s an indispensable tool to have at your disposition to ensure that all texts are up to the highest standards.

Documentation: Validation Guide

proofreading and editing

If you have been invited to become a validator for BigTranslation, please remember to follow all the steps outlined in the following document. We invite those translators with more experience and consistenty positive feedback to become validators in their target language.

Validating on the platform

In order to help you get to grips with what is involved in the validation of the texts on the platform, we have drafted this short handbook covering the main requirements and outlining how to tackle any issues you may encounter. Validation essentially involves you taking on the role of a proofreader to revise your colleagues’ translations and validate them so that they can be published.

This guide is an indispensable tool to have at your disposition to ensure that all texts are up to the highest standards and it is good to familiarise yourself with its content before getting started, to avoid any uncertainties.

The validation guide will also help to explain and make sure that you don’t overlook any of the fundamental elements required for the validation of texts in your target language.

If validators have any questions, they can contact us directly via email (info@bigtranslation.com), telephone (+34 961155803) or by Skype call or instant message.

Validation guide SCREEN