Legal Dictionaries – English

For legal English we recommend Merriam-Webster online monolingual dictionary that contains more than 10 000 entries of legal terms and phrases with easy to understand and colloquial definitions. In this dictionary, you can search for the term by writing it directly in the search bar or by looking it up in the alphabetical index. 

Follow this link for the Merriam-Webster legal dictionary:


In the legal website of, published by Gerald (lawyer) and Kathleen Hill (writer and columnist graduated in political psychology), you can search for a single legal term or you can search for the definition of the term you are looking for by browsing the different meanings and contexts in which you may find it. 

Follow this link for the website:


Black’s Law Dictionary is perhaps one of the most consulted legal dictionaries worldwide. First published over 100 years ago by Henry Campbell Black. It is a completely free online resource, just like the previous dictionaries, with definitions written by professionals in the legal field. And like the dictionary mentioned above, you can also search for the terms in the search bar or in alphabetical order. 

Follow this link for the black’s law dictionary:


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