Transcription will boost your podcast audience numbers

Do you have a podcast, or are you thinking of creating one?

In either case, you will want to reach the highest number of users that you can.

We’re not telling you anything new when we say that the key to your success lies in positioning. In order for this to happen, providing your content as text is a good strategy for improving the podcast’s natural positioning. Apart from the obvious advantage that, as a text, the content will have additional accessibility. 

Read more “Transcription will boost your podcast audience numbers”

LOCALISATION: you have probably heard of it but… do you know what it means?

Localisation in translation, or l10n, as it is known in the sector, is the process of translation, adaptation and adjustment of the texts we find in videogames, websites, blogs and many other products.

Read more “LOCALISATION: you have probably heard of it but… do you know what it means?”

What do an instruction manual, the text on packaging and an online ads campaign have in common?

They are all texts that will be in contact with your customer this Christmas, and there’s no better time to boost your sales. If you want to expand into new markets, the first thing you should consider is translation. Your customers taking the initiative when they see an advert or trusting in your product or brand, starts with a well translated text. Read more “What do an instruction manual, the text on packaging and an online ads campaign have in common?”